About Dublin’s Designated Outdoor
Refreshment Area (DORA)
- The Designated Outdoor Refreshment Area (DORA) allows patrons ages 21 and older to purchase an alcoholic beverage from an approved, liquor-permitted establishment, then sip, stroll, shop and explore within the designated boundaries.
- Dublin City Council has approved two pilot DORAs for Downtown Dublin: one in Historic Dublin and one in Bridge Park.
- Start date: May 20, 2021
- Thursdays through Saturdays 5 to 10 p.m.
- Maps for the DORA boundaries surrounding Historic Dublin and Bridge Street District are available at dublinohiousa.gov/dora/.
- Beverages cannot be taken from one DORA to the other.
- Drinks are not permitted on the Dublin Link pedestrian/bicycle bridge.
- No exploring outside the DORA boundaries with your beverage.
- Throw cups away before entering the next liquor establishment.
- No BYOB — all beverages must have been purchased at a participating establishment.
- Must be in the 21 or older club to participate.